External Study Credit Granting with SurveyLab

While these instructions refer to “credit granting”, they work for both credit and paid studies. For paid studies, participation will be marked (instead of credit granted) just like with any other paid study.

Here are the basic steps, which are subject to change (since the product is controlled by SurveyLab):

  1. On your Sona Systems site, change the Study URL so it includes crk/%SURVEY_CODE%/ in the URL.
  2. Create a survey collector. On the collector settings, set Response ID to “URL only”.
  3. Copy the collector link (URL) (see below where to find it) and add it to the end of the survey link crk/%SURVEY_CODE%/. Place the link under Study URL on your Sona site.
  4. Copy the SurveyLab Jump to Website URL value from your Sona Systems site and place it on the Collector Settings (see below). The SurveyLab Jump to Website URL will look something like this:
  5. Activate the collector.

Here are short instructions on how the integration works.
